Dallas Mock

Client Advisor

I’ll always have a special level of admiration for my college football coach for having the unique ability to firmly cultivate my ‘teenage’ perspective on accountability and discipline into a lasting model of consistent growth across all facets of life.

If I could be anywhere else at this very moment, I’d be snowboarding in the Jackson Hole backcountry, preferably under bluebird skies, sub-30 degree temps, and fresh snow!

When I was ten years old, I always wanted to be a fighter pilot. I was addicted to watching Top Gun and playing Top Gun on the Nintendo, even though it was nearly impossible to land your jet consistently on the aircraft carrier!

My proudest accomplishment is easily my three children. Stewarding their personal growth is the best investment opportunity I’ll ever find.

The favorite thing about my career is the gratification of finding a creative solution for a creative problem. Every family dynamic we encounter is unique, so it’s important to maintain a unique perspective which helps everyone stay on the intended roadmap and avoid rutted detours.


Dallas joined Caprock as one of the firm’s founding team members back in 2005. Getting in on the ground floor has brought a unique perspective to his growth with the firm, as the foundational aspects of Caprock’s approach to private wealth management have been cultivated from the inside out alongside his primary mentor, Bill Gilbert. Dallas’ responsibilities have evolved over the years into his role today as a Client Advisor. His breadth in client management is most evident in portfolio management and lifetime cash flow modeling.

Dallas has been a voluntary Investment Committee member for the Idaho Youth Ranch since 2012. He graduated from the University of Montana – Western with a BS in Business Administration.